Imagination and Orchestration

05/09 – 20/09 2015

Presentation of Istanbul based artists-in-residence programs with a group exhibition at BAUART Gallery of the Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul.

Opening – September 5th, 11 am

A parallel event of the 14th Istanbul Biennial

Participating Artists:

Artists-in-residence programs:

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Curatorial committee:

  • Thomas Büsch
  • Sabine Küper-Büsch
  • Christian Lüffe
  • Jochen Proehl


  • Goethe-Institut Istanbul,
  • Diyalog Derneği
  • BAUART Gallery


  • Theresa Wiedemann

BAUART Gallery

Müeyyetzade Mahallesi Kemeraltı Caddesi
Karaoğlan Sokağı No: 24/a

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Bildschirmfoto 2015-08-24 um 11.41.46

Special Thanks to Çigdem Ikiişik and Tijen Togay, Goethe-Institut Istanbul

Website implementation and hosting by InEnArt and diyalog