Search Results for: istanbul design week


…s of variety of populations and cultures in the Black Sea Region. Istanbul Design Week, the InEnArt-Team and the Institute for Arts and Media Management (FU Berlin) produced Videos of central events, interviews with designers and Multimedia introductions of Venues of the Istanbul Design week organized by Dream Design Factory. Realization Diyalog Istanbul designs and develops the interactive portal in cooperation with civil society organizations an…

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EventsFuture ArchivePlaces


…sion of design today is to be found in networks that involve the users in the process of definition of the end product. Adhoracy is the reference to the move towards an approach that embraces bottom-up innovation. Istanbul Design Week – October 13 – December 12, 2012, organized by IKSV Curator: Emre Arolat, Joseph Grima OccupyAirSpace: – Protesters Launch ‘Robokopter‘ Drone in Poland November 2011 seen at the Istanbul Design Biennial 2012…

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Future Archivei-collectTopics

Screens and Streams

…sion is juxtaposed to the enthusiasm of a young female Islamist cyberspace designer who is asked to design an avatar for a Salafist friend who at least wants to join the political protest online. Lingering between past and present, these stories represent collective grief work about an incomplete revolution and a country in ruins. Its four protagonists are caught in different phases of grieving, such as anger, depression, or adaptation, and displa…

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Tightrope Walking

The Architecture of Violence

…Vo Trong Nghia attempts to return greenery to Vietnam’s choking cities and design cheap homes for those excluded from Vietnam’s rapid growth. Week of September 15, 2014 “Reality Bites” on Kunlé Adeyemi Nigerian Architect Kunlé Adeyemi sets out to solve the issues of flooding and overcrowding in Nigeria’s waterside slums with floating buildings. Week of September 22, 2014 “The Pedreiro and the Master Planner” on Ricardo Ricardo makes his living as…

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All PostsEvents

Istanbul-O-Matik at Design Biennial in Istanbul

…  Cem Kozar and Işıl Ünal (Pattu Mimarlik) contributed an interactive Istanbul-O-Matik to the first Istanbul Design Biennial. The visitor can activate an electronic Istanbul model by stepping on highlighted fields on the ground. You blow up the town while it is continously reconstruced with new buildings. The different time periods and it’s specific achitectual manifestations are shown as well as visions for a future Istanbul….

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…BMKÖS (Ministry for Arts and Culture, Public administration and Sports) in Istanbul he drifted Istanbul in psychogeographical strolls in a correspondence with concepts developed by Situationist artist Guy Debord. Given that the layers of human habitation are thickest in cities, the project of psychogeography is to peel these away and reveal what is hidden, and what lies between the fissures of history. Schuberts interest focused on the architectur…

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EventsSeen BeyondTopics

Elena Urucatu is artist of the Mahalla Festival

…l Mobile in Milano, I’ve been doing works in the fine line between art and design. There is where I realised that Industrial Design, that has a useful factor, was not enough for me. That’s why I left industrial design and started with artistic projects. Why did you decide to leave Romania and come to Spain? Was it a difficult decision? Leaving your family is the hardest thing. Breaking with my stability and everything I had at that moment -culture…

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