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Watch our impressions from the Istanbul Design Biennial adopting its theme Imperfection, infinite layers, charged with a vitality that comes from engaging with rapid social, cultural and urban change. These are first impressions from the exhibition venue at the Greek Primary School, a part of the Biennial which is under the sub theme Adhocracy considering the Biennial as a laboratory rather than an exhibition platform. Adhocracy that the maximum expression of design today is to be found in networks that involve the users in the process of definition of the end product. Adhoracy is the reference to the move towards an approach that embraces bottom-up innovation.

Istanbul Design Week – October 13 – December 12, 2012, organized by IKSV

Curator: Emre Arolat, Joseph Grima

OccupyAirSpace: – Protesters Launch ‘Robokopter‘ Drone in Poland November 2011 seen at the Istanbul Design Biennial 2012

Thomas Büsch

Filmmaker, Founding Member and Secretary General of diyalog, promotion of cultural exchange with Turkey. Since 2012 he is also project manager of InEnArt.

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