Signs Taken in Wonder
The title of this book refers to the moment of wonder and amazement associated with the discovery of a city and its art and culture. The publication highlights the narrative aspects of contemporary artistic production in Istanbul, in both art and literature. The essays and works of art collected here reflect the city’s cultural status in the contemporary art world. The authors examine major issues of introspection, perception, and construction of reality from various perspectives. Work by artists from three generations show personal perspectives and visionary narratives that chart extensive external and internal processes of movement and change.
Edited by Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Simon Rees, Bärbel Vischer, foreword by Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Gerhard Roiss, texts by Vasif Kortun, Mario Levi, Markus Neuwirth, Orhan Pamuk, Nikos Papastergiadis, Simon Rees, Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Bärbel Vischer, Bige Örer