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Locativeaudio is a collaborative project that used geolocation simultaneous soundwalks to understand and explore our urban context.
Locativeaudio studies human interaction with the cities from the perspective of sound and music, urban experience returning to the ritual of the concert hall, art gallery or museum.
LocativeAudio 2013 (Valencia + Network) proposed simultaneous walks in cities such as Valencia, Málaga, Virginia, Gävle, Avignon, Linz, Grenoble, Volos, Hanoi, Tampere and Oxford. Symposium also includes a discussion of the potential of the tool geolocating and sound in the urban environment, various social gathering.
Rides explores the legendary Circuit Valencia Valencia Perifónico created in 1939 by José Val del Omar and his team of collaborators Francisco Otero, the brothers Lopez Ruiz and continued until 1945 by Antonio Llobet.
LINZ – LocativeAudio walk
description : Spiral-shaped path in which each participant chooses one or various sounds that suggest the concept of spiral itself.
13.4.2013_at_17:00_Spiral_sound_location_tour_Interface_culture with:
Juan Cedenilla
Onat Polat
Chiara Esposito
Isidora Ficovic
Jorge Gálvez
César Escudero.
More information: http://locativeaudio.org/
Project is organized by Enrique Tomás and Horacio Gonzáles. Takes place at Gallery – Valle Ortí in Valencia, http://valleorti.com/.