We are pleased to introduce you our new multimedia project and the StreetWalking App dedicated to urbanization and city planing in Istanbul and Berlin.
Follwoing the protests in Turkey 2013 the InEnArt team are developing this video project and its App at the moment. The final launch will be this fall. So dont miss it and get the app this fall.
Become involved, become a member, participate into the workshops and create your own video about your environment. Dont miss it, tell us what bothers you in your district.
StreetWalking aims to become a unique platform for the demands of the inhabitants of Istanbul and Berlin during an urban transformation process that normally doesn’t consider the needs of the population.
The App
For StreetWalking we are developing a special app for mobile devices. With this app you can shoot, upload and watch the videos about urban transformation and express your demands.
A separate mapping extension lets locate your video in the city and helps other people to find the place of shooting.
A comment section lets you enter additional information and offers the opportunity to start a critical debate about the transformation you captured with your device.
What you Get
If you consider to take part in our workshops we will give you a first view what it means to make a video with new hardware like smartphones as well as an introduction how a video will be made. Beginning with the preproduction to the production and in the end the postproduction.
Further you can get an idea how you learn seeing urban transformation in cities critically. It will offer you the possiblity to work with several artists and specialists and to create your own movie visually and auditory in an independet way.
As well as we want to give you another perspective how mobile communications equipment can be used in a sociocritical and artistic way to capture your ideas, thoughts and needs to current urban transformations in todays cities. So in the end we all create movies and its online archive showing and analizing urban development from a social point of view for the people.
Why is StreetWalking Important
Against the background that urban development and transformation often ignores the needs and demands of its residents, StreetWalking will contribute to a social sustainability in many areas:
- improved access to information
- practice to express urban demands
- unregulated exchange of needs
- maintenance of cultural diversity and a feeling for its worth
- location-independent linkage of information
- increased participation in social decision-making processes
- enhancement of developing socio cultural resources
- technological increase in efficiency by using existing open-source-software
- invested resources will be made available permanently to the net community