Think about Space
Thinkaboutspace is the Onlineplattform of the exhibition Open Monument at the Kunstraum Kreuzberg, opened in Berlin on May 4th, curator Marta Jecu.
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As part of the project, new monuments are being created in the public space in Berlin-Kreuzberg, which deal with the recent history of Berlin. Ten international artists intervene in historically occupied locations. There will be ephemeral architectures in the form of walks, a mobile urban archive, a reverse construction underground and a homemade house…
The city is investigated with the help of archaeological and decline processes, considered the city as an organism that consumes itself.
The online platform Thinkaboutspace is meant to be an archive of imaginary public monuments. The Blog intends to explore how we can imagine a public monument that reflects on the place and its cultural load.
By using a symbolic vocabulary, a multimedial public monument can be analytical, flexible and context responsive.
This blog was open to ideas on what could be the functions and the aesthetics of a public monument now. Everybody was welcome to post architectural ideas, imaginary structures, models, sketches and contextual construction processes in any media of choice.
The content of the blog-archive will be projected in the frame of the exhibition Open Monument at Kunstraum Kreuzberg in Berlin, May 4th – June 16th.