Quiz: Displacement and Migration
Forced migration is one of the biggest human problems at the moment, there are over 50 million refugees and forced migrants.
On the occasion of the gathering Forced Migration and the Arts at Cezayir on February 20th InEnArt launched a quiz Forced Migration.
Forced migration and displacement is and has always been one of the fundamental forms of human existence. Throughout history and all over the world people are moving or being moved under the pressure of forces ranging from destitution to persecution and war.
Searching Traces, Videoworkshop, Still from the Video Beyond the Station by Bassil Halabi and Mohammad Fares, Photo Katharina Schmidt
Displacement is also a significant theme in almost all forms of aesthetic and artistic expression until today. The violence of displacement translates itself into artistic representation on the thematic, discursive and formal levels.
Following the conflicts in the Middle East, in Palestine and Central Asia the InEnArt team documented moments of forced migration in 2014 and introduced artists from Syria, Palestine, Ukraine or Afghanistan who are reflecting the changing worlds they live in. In the past year InEnArt presented artists who are imagine other futures or who are trying to come to terms with the ruptures of the past.
As tensions and violence escalated in Palestine, we opened a new project: Tightrope Walking. Tightrope Walking documents the living condition in Gaza and the West Bank and introduces artists and their art works in this area.
The personal and collective histories of forced migration are inscribed in cultural, social and aesthetic practices, resulting at times in new, hybrid forms of life and art, but also often triggering continuing struggles and conflicts.
Searching Traces, Dance Workshop by Ziya Azazi, Photo Katharina Schmidt
With Searching Traces InEnArt in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut created a workshop series in Istanbul in December 2014 that gave people with forced migration backgrounds the opportunity to look back on and reappraise their experiences in order to find new perspectives and overcome isolation and trauma.
Follow our links and learn what you know about art and culture in the context of forced migration.
Participate into our new quiz Forced Migration and the Arts in 2014 and learn what do you know about aesthetic practices in exil.
Take the quiz and learn what do you know about Forced Migration!