Insomnia – Extended Club
“I have experienced this white night rush before… I am up all night and the sun comes up and then I recognize what time it is and well, you know, thus continues our day. & well, still, you are here beside me in this space of art, both surrounded in colored sheets and sounds, awake. & you seem to think about the multitude of things: some of them are just bizarre, some otherworldly. In this waken dream with your eyes still wide open, how do you feel?”
Installation by Rafaël Rozendaal, Mirrors, computers, projectors.
Kunsthalle Wien Karlsplatz will be transformed into an all-encompassing exhibition/party/installation, pieced together from leather, music, plexi and laser. Immersed in neon haze and never asleep. & well, you will never finally figure out if more things had happened there because there was more awake time for them to happen in, or because there were so many things to do that you needed to have more awake time to do them in…
Exhibition and Party
May 28, 2014 – 10 pm
Live: Vipra
DJ Line-Up: dj shitty dj // Forever Traxx
Mit: PCNC_BAY // Olivier Castel // Malte Lochstedt // Breer Lazidj Nahr // Josip Novosel // Carl Palm / Egle Kulbokaite // Rafaël Rozendaal // Lia Satzinger // Forever Traxx
Von: Basil Schu, Manuel Scheiwiller, Roland Gaberz
pcnc_bay, Windanhalter 10.03.14
, Ocean Park, San Juan, Puerto Rico