Three Sided Football

First World Cup in Three Sided Football

beskaaretOn the occasion of the 100 anniversary of Asger Jorns birthday on March 3rd the International Three Sided Football Federation together with Museum Jorn Silkeborg will be hosting the first World Cup in Three Sided Football ever held – and you are invited to participate. Teams from 8 different European countries will participate in the World Cup tournament taking place Saturday 24th May.

The event – taking place from Friday 23rd May until Sunday 25th May – will start off by a symposium held at the Museum Jorn Friday 23rd May, where important players, thinkers of triolectic football, and players within the development of the game will be brought together. Asger Jorn being the originator of the game, Museum Jorn is delighted to bring the game back to its roots in Silkeborg.

The symposium held Friday (registration necessary) as well as the World Cup tournament held Saturday are public events and you can get further information about both events on our website as soon as all the details for the program are scheduled.

Launch of the International Three Sided Football Federation in Istanbul 2013

Don’t miss the first Three Sided Football World Cup.

Museum Jorn Silkeborg

Gudenåvej 7-9, DK 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
May 23rd – 25th 2014

Thomas Büsch

Filmmaker, Founding Member and Secretary General of diyalog, promotion of cultural exchange with Turkey. Since 2012 he is also project manager of InEnArt.

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