Search Results for: urban voices

Urban Voices

…er, without hierarchy, creating a relational aesthetic that translates the urban landscape into forms and sensations.     We are walking with Barbara Eichhorn through the Kadiköy district of Istanbul and visitng art spaces like Apartment 52 and arthere while she is preparing her contribution for the Mahalla Festival in Istanbul. This years festival will take place between August 23 and September 14 mostly in the Kadiköy destrict of Istanbul under…

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Urban Foraging

…more popular. Foraging describes the act of looking or searching for food. Urban foragers are looking for food in urban areas. Critics may say that this orginal way of wandering around and searching for food isn´t necessary in our globalized, western civilized world, because there are supermarkets on every corner where you can get everything you need fast and cheap than instead of walking around in urban areas and looking for food. But that is exa…

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Place Hacking


…the world as an archaeologist. For the past four years, he has lived as an urban explorer, photographing off-limits urban places. He is currently developing a new project that will use smartphone and tablet technology to reveal buried urban history. Breathtaking and brilliantly illustrated—reclaiming the city with extreme urban explorations!!! Disclaimer? There is none, do as you wish. Climb bridges, run the subways, play in sewage, go in drains….

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Place Hacking

Urban Gaming

…combines modern communication, interaction and eagerness to experiment in urban space.   Urban Gaming Festivals exist in different versions. With street games, outdoor spectacles, mass social interaction the festival organisators want to announce the reclamation of public spaces for play and adventure. Popular examples are Come out & Play (New York), Hide & Seek Weekender (London), igFest (Bristol), You Are GO! (Berlin). The festivals are inventi…

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Urban Exploration

…d more… Skywalking around the World Thomas BüschIllegal Photographs That Urban Climbers Risked Their Lives To Take     Urban explorers or place hacker are groups of young people illegally scaling buildings around the world to take the most incredible, heart-pounding, vertigo-inducing, one-of-a-kind shots of cities from vantages rarely seen.   Russian teenager Marat Dupri began scaling buildings and other high-rise structures in Moscow to take la…

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…etched the Cat Houses interpreting the different styles and forms of rapid urban growth in the metropol. In his scetchbook the artists notes: “The city is home to numerous stray cats, many of which live in specially designed architecture exclusively for cats.”   In a serial of works Franz Schubert is experimenting with the concept of original and copy especially questioning the value of objects accumulated by its fame, pleading for a liberal handl…

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Place Hacking

Parkour: New-Invention of Urban Space

…rcoming the urban borders as well as the physican borders of your body- an urban transformation. It´s also about retaking urban space in a time where public space gets privatized more and more and used for commerical purposes, as if to say “public space for everyone”. Thus Parkour is an important part of the discourse about using public space. Traceurs create a new-invention of urban space. It´s makes people seeing their city and urban environment…

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EventsPlacesSeen Beyond

We don’t want any trouble here.

…l”, she gives a thought-provoking – and mayhaps scary perspective on this “urban model” – and the urban future it stands for.   Do you ever go to the city center? To Istanbul’s center? No. It’s so far. And we have everything we need here. What they have is a main square biased by a shopping mall. What they have is international brands and restaurants with organic halal food. No traffic, no filth, no fools. Basaksehir – a blindfold paradise. A Disn…

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Place Hacking

Urban Play: City Crossword

…about the nature of urban planning and the public’s role in actively (re)claiming public space. The artists’ modus operandi of transforming the uses and functions of existing features of the cityscape challenges the functionalism and pragmatism that drive urban zoning imperatives in Singapore. It is in the spirit of play – play as breaking from control, and spontaneous (re)invention or improvisation – that the Urban Play interventions present an a…

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