Search Results for: Three-Sided Football World Cup


Slogan workshop at the three-sided football match

We want to invite everybody to the first three-sided football match in Turkey who is going to take place tomorrow, Saturday september 14th at the Football Pitch of Kadir Has University in front of the University on the banks of the Golden Horn at 4 pm. There is going to be a slogan workshop, in which everybody is invited to participate. You´ll learn how to create slogans, which will be shouted during the match. The workshop starts at 2 pm also at…

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Fifa World Cup in Brazil

…ds the games on walls, streets and houses.   [widgetkit id=14790] The Fifa World Cup 2014 in Brazil came along with much more than the football games that are supposed to unify people around the globe. Years and months before the mega sports event started, the constructions for the stadiums as well as the protests began. The international press reported about several riots and the brutal method of the Brazilian government against any kind of prote…

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Three Sided Football

Mom, I am a barbarian…

…ms shared the broad cultural ideas of the Biennial with their performance. Three-sided football is seen as an artistic form, a ‘spectacle’ and a chance to demonstrate that different views, ideas and approaches can be expressed freely and spontaneously in ways that promote dialogue and cooperation rather than conflict and division. Geoff Andrews from the Philosophy Football FC launched the Three Sided Football Federation at this tournament in Istan…

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DétournementThree Sided Football

Public Space as a Political Forum

…ly we share the broad cultural ideas of the 13th Istanbul Biennial and see three-sided football as an artistic form, a ‘spectacle’ and a chance to demonstrate that different views, ideas and approaches can be expressed freely and spontaneously in ways that promote dialogue and cooperation rather than conflict and division. Therefore, along with the three teams participating into the match, we see it as offering a positive contribution to the recen…

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Three Sided Football

Balance of Power

…hen writer in residence at Whitechapel Gallery in east London, organised a three-sided match to take place during the campaign for the general election in the UK, in which three teams would represent the main political parties in a game designed to demonstrate the shifting allegiences and balance of power in party politics. Knowing Philosophy Football FC as a club which looks to use football as an expression of political and cultural ideals, she a…

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Three Sided Football


…alectic, as well as to disrupt one’s everyday idea of football . The first world cup of three sided football took place May 2014 in Denmark. Traces – 100 Years Asger Jorn includes two partial exhibitions: Asger Jorn – The Secret of Art, a unique gift from the Otto van de Loo family of some 150 works on paper, and A Way of Making, a new project by contemporary artists Frederique Bergholtz and Maria Pask. Asger Jorn is known as one of the founders o…

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Seen BeyondVoices

Football Team Supporters for Privacy

  [widgetkit id=14405]   Various football team supporters gathered in Beyoglu to protest Turkish Football Association`s new controversial electronic ticketing system. Police attack protestors and arrested some of them. Fans from Istanbul’s three arch-foes – Beşiktaş, Fenerbahçe and Galatasaray – have all denounced the new system, dubbed “passolig,” which will allow security forces to check supporters’ private data when they buy match tickets. In…

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