Servants of Art – subReal
video by Anja Pross showing selected art pieces of the sub real exhibition at SALT Beyoglu
music: Daft Punk – Random Access Memories
The subREAL artist-group consists of art historian Călin Dan, architect and photographer Iosif Király and artist Dan Mihălţianu (who has left the group to pursue an individual career). They formed in Romania in 1990, right after the “television revolution” that ended the dictatorship of Nicolae Ceaușescu.
From 8th of May until 11th of August the subREAL exhibition is shown at SALT Beyoglu.
During their one-year residency at Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin the subREAL-group accessed the archival photographic material of a disbanded art magazine and this became the core material of their Art History Archive series (1995-1996).
In these works they examined the aura and the universe around the art object. A bit later subREAL started their The Serving Art series (1997-1999) where human beings, the servants of art, become the most significant figures. In their video installation of “Serving Art” subREAL focuses on showing the people who serve the art pieces while transporting, installing and looking after them.
Also the artists themselves become “servants of art” as they present framed images and making photographs of these scenes an own art work “Framing Vienna ” from their series Interviewing the cities.
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