Modern Turkey’s Discovery of the Ottoman Heritage
„Contemplating the strident rays of the golden afternoon sun under the azul Istanbul sky, as light seeped trough gashes[…] a boundless ambition was awakened inside me. And hence, my foundness for monuments was converted into love.“
That’s how Ali Saim Ülgen describes his feelings in 1930. Eight years later he graduated as a Master in Architecture from the Fine Arts Academy and later became a pioneering architectural restoration expert of classical Ottoman architecture.
Till 24th March in SALT’s exhibition „Modern Turkey’s Discovery of the Ottoman Heritage: The Ali Saim Ülgen Archive“ visitors can kind of get to know the architect. In this exhibition many pieces of Ali Saim Ülgen’s work in shape of plans, notes, writings, building surveys, manuscripts and photographs are carefully displayed.
Ali Saim Ülgen appears as a person with big visions and a poetic soul. Through many texts, quotes and pictures one can get a hint of Ali Saim Ülgens character. While watching the slideshow displayed at the end of the exhibition room, visitiors finally go „on the road with Ali Saim Ülgen.“
Exhibition at SALT Galata, 08th of February – 24th of March 2013