In Transit
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‘IN TRANSIT – The view of the other(s)’ takes up the challenge of comprehending photography as a documentary, artistic and political description of the world and presenting it as a participatory project in a public in-transit room at the Ostkreuz railway station. The curator Jaana Prüss situates ‘the view of the other’ in a discourse on our contemporary societies by drawing images by professional and art photographers into a ‘dialogue of views’ with images by fellow citizens, passers-by and visitors to the Month of Photography who respond to an open call. The exhibition presents perspectives on current social issues of change and transformation. In its heterogeneity, it shows points of view on the individual and society, temporary solutions, commons, mobility, migration and flight, and questions the search for shelter and belonging, purpose, work and meaning, and new strategies for ‘surviving’.
IN TRANSIT – The view of the other(s), curated by Jaana Prüss, und.Institut für Kunst, Kultur & Zukunftsfähigkeit e.V. in cooperation with LORIS –Gallery for contemporary art.
OPENING: 17.10.2012, 7 pm, Bahnhof Ostkreuz, Sonntagstrasse/Markgrafendamm, 10245 Berlin, EXHIBITION: 18.10. – 30.11.2012
Everyone is invited to participate actively and creatively: intransit(at)
You can also partizipate in supporting the project on the crowdfunding platform startnext as a FAN or even supporter. Starting with 5 Euro you could be one of us to enable this project with workshop for kids, talks and walks and inputs for our future.
Have a look into the growing gallery here and become part of it: