Viron Erol Vert at the Yarn Factory in Hasköy
The entrance of the Yarn factory is hidden by 7 curtains in different
colors. Each one opens different layers of conciousness. Viron Erol Vert is
using different materials in his show 7 curtains. Collages, carpets with
motives of different stars and planets, sculptures of religious symbols, a
transgender performer….
Viron Erol Vert born (1975) in Germany, lives and works between Berlin and
Istanbul. 7 curtains has something of a theatre play or opera, different
curtains are opening different scenes including a good pinch of humor
and irony. Gallery: Galerist.
Orient and Okzident, gender, fairytales, the cosmos and other items are
flipping around, building up hybrids of identity.