A Root has a massy structure, which doesn’t constitute an integrity and that can’t be solely connected to a certain subject of an object.
Even though it seems like a hierarchial chain of command in ascending order, the order is in fact on the contrary. According to Deleuze and Guattari’s root- rhizome definition: ‘’ A tree-like arborescent form has a certain order and organisation; it has a hierarchical order in itself and it’s set on a determined constant foundation. When we think of a tree, all of the branches spread out from a single trunk. On the other hand, a rhizomatic form is like a non-linear and winding web and it doesn’t constitute an integrity. A rhizomatic form can have many endings and beginnings and it is chaotic.’’ As the living being grows and enlarges, the root enlarges and spreads out too.
Another concept that Deleuze and Guattari emphasise is ‘’nomadism’’. Nomadism is the one who stands outside the hierarchical systematic order. A nomad is always traveling and is in a state of flux. It is beyond control of institutions and hierarchial systems. Outside of top-down hierarchical chain of command, rhizomatic form moves through its complex order and nomadism makes it more apparent.
Family, identity, nomadism, identity problems experienced by people out of norm and the concept of non-belonging as an extension of it are discussed by different artists.
The exhibition ‘’Root’’ is curated by the instructor Derya Yücel and Arts&Cultural management students. It will take place at Istanbul Bilgi UniversityEnergy Museumbetween 8 and 25 May and will exhibit Works from Ayça Ceylan, Didem Erk, Burak Kabadayı, Reysi Kamhi, Volkan Kızıltun, Suzy Hug Levy, Pınar Öğrenci and Volkan Parlak.