
Documentarist 2012

Organized in collaboration with SALT, DOCUMENTARIST 2012 begins today. “Film Selection from FAMU,” the first event of the program at SALT Beyoğlu, will be screened at 16.00 and 18.00 in the Walk-in Cinema, introduced by Vit Janecek.

1 June 2012 Friday, 16:00 & 18:00
SALT Beyoğlu

Vit Janecek and Petr Hatle from FAMU will give a presentation before the second screening.

FAMU Selection – I

Petr Hátle, Çek Cumh., 2010, 18’
Redemption Attempt of a TV Repairman Josef Lávicka in Nine Scenes (Pokus o duchovní nápravu opraváře televizí Josefa Lávičky v devíti obrazech)
Lukáš Kokeš, Çek Cumh., 2008, 14’
Roots of Relationship (Pravztahy aneb jak vnučka a babička tahali řepu a nemohly ji vytáhnout)
Veronika Janečková, Çek Cumh., 2008, 20’
Eggs (Vajíčka)
Apolena Rychlíková, Çek Cumh., 2010, 12’

FAMU Selection – II

About a House (O domě. Film s hendikepem)
Bohdan Bláhovec, Çek Cumh., 2008, 27’
MGR: The Marriage of Gábina and Robert (MGR Manželství Gábiny a Roberta)
Radovan Síbrt, Çek Cumh., 2005, 17’
The Caique’s Flight Against the Wind (Let čajky proti větru)
Jaroslava Panáková, Çek Cumh., 2005, 15’
Piranha (Piraňa)
Viera Čákanyová, Çek Cumh., 2007, 26’

(Free admission.)

Thomas Büsch

Filmmaker, Founding Member and Secretary General of diyalog, promotion of cultural exchange with Turkey. Since 2012 he is also project manager of InEnArt.

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