
The Waiting – Syrian Refugees

Mario Rizzi_Al Intithar_2012_film still

Mario Rizzi’s documentary, Al Intithar [The Waiting] (2013), reveals the sad truth about the ever-growing number of Syrian refugees who are living in camps around the region, including in Turkey. Recorded at Camp Zaatari, a Syrian refugee camp in the Jordanian desert, Rizzi documents women’s daily activities, alongside thousands of other refugees, during a seven-week stay at the camp.

Al Intithar was recorded during a seven-week stay at Camp Zaatari, a Syrian refugee camp in the Jordanian desert. Mario Rizzi documents the lives of several Syrian women in this ongoing state of emergency, which now involves hundreds of thousands of refugees. His pictorial language proves the relationship of mutual acceptance and discretion between filmmaker and filmed evident.


Al Intithar (The Waiting) by Mario Rizzi
Arabic with English subtitles
Colour, 30 mins, 2012

“Al Intithar” [The Waiting]  is on show July 4th, 5 pm and the following weekend in the Walk-in Cinema at SALT Beyoğlu, Istanbul.



Thomas Büsch

Filmmaker, Founding Member and Secretary General of diyalog, promotion of cultural exchange with Turkey. Since 2012 he is also project manager of InEnArt.

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