Antonio Cosentino: “Marmara’dan Gidenler”
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In his latest solo exhibition ‘Marmara’dan Gidenler’ (Departure Marmara Sea) at Bergsen & Bergsen Galeri Antonio Cosentino gives a critical view on the maritime-ecological change caused by economical interruptions. Small built over artificial islands, the usage of found footage tin sheets and the iconicly recuring container ships are showing the frightening exploitation of aquaric ecosystems.
Particularly interesting is the video. It shows the artist pulling a large ship model on a small trolley through the Istiklal Caddesi and other streets across Beyoğlu. People are fascinated and wondering about the handicrafted boat. It’s colours are reminding the playful shades of toys. Beside this effect the marks of the welding on the metal is awaking a feeling of uneasiness. The whole set up seems like the vision of a real gigantic cruising boat passing by. A kind of implentation of the essence of reality, we like to switch of.